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BFBC2 Vietnam - Operati0n Hastings FREE

n0mad's picture

Have you purchased the new Expansion Pack BFBC2 Vietnam ?
If s0 the classic Operati0n Hastings map (fr0m 2004′s Battlefield Vietnam) will be unl0cked FREE 0nce
69 million team acti0ns are perf0rmed in BFBC2 and BFBC2: Vietnam.

D0es any0ne kn0w what 0ur current stat 0f Team Acti0ns is ?



i might

actually get this now after seeing that 3 wheel milk truck. They better have that in it.

Sha8doW's picture


lol nomad, you kinda missed some key things!
It’s per platform. I.e once ps3, or pc (all users combined) accumulate xmillion “team activiy” points every user on that platform gets the bonus level
also the “team activities” are specific to the bfbc2: Vietnam game, so until such a time as it’s released, we’ve (pc) got nothing

pc will get it 1st, I just hope it’s recognized that thye should focus on us more, rather then making “skins” for consoles and taking 8 months for us to finally get them!

n0mad's picture


Actually I think we are b0th wr0ng Shad…

So what do you need to do? Easy. You and all your friends playing on PS3, PC, or Xbox 360 need to perform 69 million team actions across Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam. So what’s a team action? Well, it’s any and all of these: resupply, revive, heal, spot, and repair. We start counting on December 21st, so make sure you contribute from the start!


The helis

with mouths are so cute.

thats what we

say about you kerri-anne

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